Nov 18 2011

 New Information on Crest Road Washout –

League of Women Voters

Task Force to Investigate and Report on Piedmont Hills Undergrounding Project Addendum to Preliminary Findings

– Crest Road Trench Washout
November 14, 2011

The League of Women Voters Task Force is publishing this Addendum to its initial report (updated 3/15/11) because of additional information obtained since completion of that report. > Click to read more…

Nov 17 2011


After City Counts Participants, Forum in City Hall is Canceled – 

What started as a great idea by the Piedmont Civic Association — to hold a forum on November 29 for all School Board and City Council candidates to provide  an early opportunity to present their candidacies to voters and allow voters to pose questions to them — has failed.  What happened? > Click to read more…

Nov 15 2011

The Piedmont Civic Association Candidates Forum will be on Tuesday, November 29, in the Piedmont City Council Chambers, from 7 to 9 p.m.  This is a non-partisan, informational event. PCA does not endorse candidates.

PCA has provided the following information on the format to all candidates.

  • Brief introduction to the Forum by PCA (3 minutes)
  • The School Board Panel will be followed by the City Council panel
  • Each candidate introduces himself/herself at the start of their panel (2 minutes each)

Moderator Questions

  • 3-4 questions will be presented by the moderator to the panel
  •  2 minutes for each candidate to respond to each question
  • 1 minute for followup from each candidate after initial round of responses
  • Additional questions will be presented by the moderator from the audience as time allows
  • Depending on time, PCA also may allow home viewers to ask questions of the candidates via email. These questions will be written out and given to the moderator to address to the candidates.


  • Each candidate will be alerted to remaining time via large “30 seconds remaining”, and “Thank You” cards

Notes and Materials

  • Candidates may refer to notes and materials they bring with them, but no computers

The audience will be instructed not to applaud during any part of the questions and answers.  At the conclusion of the forum, all candidates, the audience, at-home voters and voters will be thanked for their participation and for their attention to the electoral process.  The League of Women Voters Candidate Forum, which takes place in January, will be announced.

We look forward to providing an informative forum, and we look forward to the participation of all candidates.  A seat and placard with each candidate’s name on it will be provided whether or not they are present.  The forum will be simulcast through the City’s website and by KCOM, with frequent repeats.  In addition, the video will be posted on the PCA website so that voters have ample opportunity to learn about the candidates before they vote.

Thank you,  

Piedmont Civic Association

Nov 14 2011

Tips on How to Save Energy in your Home

Piedmont Connect has invited Chris Hunt, founder of the residential electricity auditing firm PowerDown, to give an electricity management presentation.

Wednesday, November 16, 7 – 8:30pm, Havens Elementary School, Science Room 344 > Click to read more…

Nov 14 2011

 Highlights from the November 9, 2011 School Board Meeting

  • Salary and Benefits contract provisions to be opened with APT – public input requested prior to January 5 – see details on input timeline
  • State funding of $6-8 million to finish Beach construction may show up soon!
  • completion of Beach prior to 2012-13 school year is “probable”
  • The School Calendar is being negotiated now – may be approved at December 14 Board meeting – parent survey from February being used as input
  • Filing deadline for school board candidates is November 14, 2011

and more . . . see the full report by June Monach, Board Member

> Click to read more…

Nov 14 2011

Group Urges City to Hire Sustainability Coordinator

The following letter was received on November 11, 2011 from a group of Piedmont residents.  NOTE: The City Council passed the Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Policy at its meeting on November 7, 2011. 

Dear City Council,

We’re writing in support of the Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Policy (EPPP) coming before you on Monday, and also to ask that the City place more priority on the issue of greenhouse gas emissions reductions.  Piedmont had a lot to be proud about when the Climate Action Plan (CAP) and Environmental Task Force (ETF) > Click to read more…

Nov 10 2011

The following letter was received on November 8, 2011 from a Piedmont resident.

I have voted, in one election or another, for each of the current Piedmont City Council members and contributed time and or money to at least two of their campaigns.  I certainly did not do so because I agree with them on all issues.  I, and I suspect others who voted for them, did so because we trusted them to expect and consider objective staff reports, to listen carefully to public testimony, to understand what it would be like to be hurt by their decisions, and to explain how, despite that hurt, their vote furthered the general welfare. > Click to read more…

Nov 10 2011

PCA received the following announcement from Sarah Pearson, a candidate for PUSD School Board 2012

Sarah Pearson for PUSD School Board

I am running for School Board because I care deeply about children and our community.

My priorities are to promote academic excellence, fiscal responsibility, and community engagement. As a pediatrician and child advocate, I am committed to ensuring that our schools try to reach, stretch, and nurture every child. I bring a questioning attitude and analytical approach but keep an open mind and solicit differing viewpoints. I am a listener and a learner. As a member of the School Board, I will engage the community so that I can best understand the various perspectives, and then I will make thoughtful decisions. I will work toward facilitating better communication and building consensus.


I attended Palo Alto public schools and graduated from Harvard College and Stanford Medical School. My husband, Evan Seevak, and I have a 3rd grade son and 5th grade daughter at Wildwood and an 8th grade daughter at Piedmont Middle School. Since moving to Piedmont 11 years ago, I’ve demonstrated my commitment to our children, our schools, and our community at multiple levels. I have:

  • led the Piedmont Middle School Parent Club (as VP & President)
  • held several positions on the Wildwood Parent Club Board
  • co-chaired the School Parcel Tax campaign in 2009
  • served on the District Budget Advisory Committee
  • raised money for Piedmont Schools with the Giving Campaign and Spring Fling
  • facilitated for the Piedmont Parents Network
  • helped start the Wellness Center at Piedmont High School
  • served on the board of the Ann Martin Center
  • researched stress in children at the U.C. Berkeley Child Study Center
  • participated in Piedmont Appreciating Diversity Committee
  • organized Cultures Week for the Elementary Schools
  • participated in discussions about curriculum and “Shaping Our Future” for the schools
  • volunteered extensively in the classroom and library

My strengths to be a PUSD School Board Member

In these times of diminishing state funding, it is more critical than ever to make thoughtful decisions that are fiscally responsible, data driven, and promote best practices, and I am well-prepared to do this.  With children in elementary, middle, and high school during the next four years, I am well-positioned to assess the classroom impact of school board decisions. I am closely connected to students and to the parent community, and look forward to getting to know Piedmonters who don’t have children in the schools. Our schools are a product of this generous community. It is important to me that decisions to keep our schools strong have the enthusiastic support of the broader community. I work collaboratively to effect positive changes.

I am interested in hearing your thoughts and ideas, and I look forward to working with you to support our children and our schools. Please feel free to contact me, as I welcome the chance to talk and to hear about your concerns.

Sarah Pearson

For more information,  please see my website


Nov 8 2011

Burglaries doubled in past year

Comparing the reported crime rates for January 1 through September 30, 2011 with the 2010 nine-month report, the biggest change is in the number of burglaries in Piedmont.  Burglaries more than doubled from 27 in 2010 to 68 in 2011.  Motor vehicle thefts increased from 21 to 30 and other thefts increased slightly from 108 to 117.  There were 31 incidents of vandalism. > Click to read more…

Nov 8 2011

PCA received a copy of the following letter from a Piedmont resident:

Nov. 7, 2011

Piedmont City Council

Re: Nov. 7: 3rd Quarter Crime Statistics.

The fundamental changes in the traffic aspect of the Blair Park Proposal may require more Police resources. The Police parking space shown in the Blair Park final plans was not in the FEIR plan. The original traffic plan intent using a pedestrian bridge was to allow traffic to flow; now the intent is to decrease traffic speed by about 50% or “gum up the works” (Clarence Mamuyac 2/24/11) with the insertion of the Maxwelton mini-roundabout. This radical change concept was neither analyzed nor mentioned in the certified EIR. > Click to read more…