Nov 29 2011
Expanding Coaches Would Be The “Greenest” Of Them All –
Submitted by Piedmont Council Member Garrett Keating on Nov. 27, 2011
While I agree with Morissa* about the futility of analyzing the Blair Park proposal as “green” in light of what it proposes for Moraga Canyon, in this age of increasing global temperatures and declining water resources, we do have to “do the math” as Mr. Hanf** suggests to guide decisions about how we use our resources. To that end, I have compared the green benefits of the field options: Alameda Point, Blair Park and Coaches Field expansion. > Click to read more…
Nov 29 2011
Public input wanted on new incentives and policy changes –
On Monday, December 12, 2011 the City of Piedmont Planning Commission will hold a hearing to discuss potential changes to the City’s Second Unit ordinances and receive public input. Changes are being considered to promote extremely-low and low income units and streamline the application process. > Click to read more…
Nov 26 2011
The following letter is in response to a letter by Josh Bernstein published in the November 23, 2011 edition of the Piedmont Post.
Dear Mr. Bernstein:
The perpetuation of misinformation is always unfortunate.
Your recent letter suggested the moderator for the Piedmont Civic Association forum, which was scheduled for November 29, endorsed a candidate, without pointing out that the listing was in error. No such endorsement occurred. > Click to read more…
Nov 26 2011
The Piedmont Civic Association appreciates the efforts of Conna McCarthy to explain her candidate’s decision to decline to participate in the PCA forum, as well as her good wishes for future PCA forums which she points out “could be a beneficial part of Piedmont’s civic engagement”. (November 23, 2011 “Viewpoint” in the POST) > Click to read more…
Nov 26 2011
Hundreds of Pages of CEQA Documents, Plus Brief Budget Estimate –
Draft documents are posted on the City website in preparation for the City Council hearing on Monday, Dec. 5, when the Council will review and vote thumbs up or thumbs down on the final Blair Park proposal. > Click to read more…
Nov 19 2011
Five Pressing Recommendations Facing the City –
On Monday, November 21, the Council will discuss the recommendations of the following committees, as well as the priority and timing of implementation:
- City Council Audit Subcommittee on Undergrounding
- Municipal Tax Review Committee
- League of Women Voters Undergrounding Task Force
The City Administrator identified the 5 most pressing recommendations facing the City:
- gain greater control over personnel costs, specifically the cost of “fringe” benefits
- Council adoption of fund balance objectives, specifically one for capital facilities and equipment replacement, beginning with the 2012-13 budget
- a project manager for large capital and construction projects
- addressing conflicts of interest for contractors used by the City, specifically the City Engineer.
- ensure that the costs of any new commitments are fully understood, paid for out of user fee revenues and not the General Fund, and proposals structured to have little or no impact on the City’s budget.
Additionally, the following points were noted by the City Administrator:
- recommends continuing the current moratorium on undergrounding until all recommendations of the LWV task force and the Audit Subcommittee have been implemented, especially minimal approval standards for districts and removing financial risk to the City
- recommends not taking on any additional financial obligations until capital and facilities maintenance and replacement are properly funded
- agrees, along with the Council and the MTRC, that extra funding must be approved by the voters to meet regulatory requirements of maintaining the sewer system
- recommends reimbursement of the expenditure of Sewer Fund monies for the repair of Crest Road
Vice Mayor Chiang created a matrix of the recommendations. > Click to read more…