Oct 31 2011

PCA Election Rick 1011On Monday, October 31, 2011,  PCA received the following information from Richard Raushenbush:

Current School Board Vice President Announces Run for Re-election  

Richard Raushenbush, current School Board Vice President and Piedmont resident since 1995, announced his decision to run for re-election and picked up his candidacy papers at City Hall last week.  His announcement at the September 14th School Board meeting was met with enthusiasm by fellow School Board members.  In a note to friends and colleagues, Raushenbush conveyed his reasons for wanting to run for re-election:

“I want to promote the best possible public education for our community’s children.  Our schools are among the best in the nation despite deep and ongoing cuts in State funding.  I think we have
accomplished a significant amount in the past four years.  In my second term, I would like to build upon and focus our school system’s efforts on:

*Ensuring the Quality of Our Children’s Education:  Over the past four years, the School District has focused on using data to assess student learning and has worked to improve the teacher evaluation process. The District is now working to ensure identification and sharing of best teaching practices to promote student learning. I want to ensure that these efforts continue.

*Providing Strong Fiscal Oversight:  State funding has declined 20% since the 2007-08 year.  It has not yet been restored.  The Board has faced many difficult budget choices and it will continue to do so. Through community support and employee concessions, Piedmont has weathered this storm better than most.  As State funding stabilizes, the Board’s goal is to set a sustainable budget model that controls costs without sacrificing quality.

*Finishing the Seismic Retrofit Program:   Piedmont has successfully constructed or renovated Havens, PHS, Ellen Driscoll Auditorium, Wildwood, PMS and the Maintenance Building.  Beach School is underway and scheduled for completion by the start of next school year.  Based upon my professional training, I have provided, and will continue to provide, a rigorous review of the many professional and construction contracts involved in improving the seismic safety of our schools.

*Planning Ahead: I believe that prudent stewardship of our community assets requires looking ahead to meet future needs.  The School District is working with the City on ways to set aside funds to preserve the community’s athletic facilities, including but not limited to future replacement of the Witter Field artificial turf and track.

I believe I can continue to help the School Board address these and other issues over the next four years. My four years of service have given me a more knowledgeable perspective of our educational programs and school system.  I bring an analytical approach to decision-making, and am not afraid to address difficult issues with the Board.”

Raushenbush grew up in Madison, Wisconsin, where he attended public schools.  He graduated from Harvard University and University of Virginia School of Law, and spent 21 years as an attorney and partner at Latham & Watkins, an international law firm, practicing environmental law.  Drawn by an interest in renewable energy, he then became General Counsel to a solar energy start-up.  Now, he is a partner in a law firm founded with his wife, Barbara Giuffre.

The Raushenbush family moved to Piedmont in 1995 for the schools.  Their two sons attended Beach, PMS and PHS.  Their daughter attended Havens and is now a student at PMS in 6th grade.  Before his current term on the School Board, Raushenbush was President of the Seismic Bond Measure’s Citizens Oversight Committee.

Oct 31 2011

Less Costly Ways to Save Home Energy, Solar and Non-Solar

Every year about two dozen Piedmont families install solar panels on their homes.  On Thursday, January 29, 2009, Piedmonters were invited to an event at the Community Hall sponsored by the City.*  Dozens of residents attended the meeting to learn about solar electric panels that could provide an alternative source of energy for their homes. 
> Click to read more…

Oct 31 2011

Blair Park banner

 Blair Park Backers Show Off Latest Plans for Sports Field

On a beautiful October Sunday morning, Blair Park enthusiasts gathered in Piedmont Park to view the latest plans developed by Piedmont Recreation Facilities Organization (PRFO) for the proposed sports field.
  > Click to read more…

Oct 30 2011

How often in Piedmont do you hear the phrase, “I didn’t know about that ?”

It seems to be a common concern in letters and public forums.  Certain Piedmonters are in the know while others are uninformed. Residents learn about activities that have been going on behind the scenes with only three days notice before a Council action – or even after a decision has been made. > Click to read more…

Oct 29 2011

A response to resident, Dan Marks:

Friday, 28 October, 2011

Dear Mr. Marks:

I am in receipt of your recent email correspondence dated October 21, 2011.  You have raised a number of questions regarding the current status of CEQA review for the Moraga Canyon Sports Fields Project (“Project”).  I would like to take this opportunity to respond.

As you know, the City has posted information regarding proposed modifications to the Project  on the City’s website.  City staff has authorized the City’s environmental consultant to prepare environmental review to address the Project modifications.  Staff, in consultation with the City Attorney and the City’s special legal counsel, will > Click to read more…

Oct 29 2011

Sunday in the Park with PRFO

Piedmont Recreational Facilities Organization (PRFO) invites everyone to view the architectural drawings and traffic diagrams of the proposed Blair Park sports field project.  There will be coffee and bagels, kids’ games and poster contests.

“Sunday, October 30, 10am – 12 noon in Piedmont Park”

Read PRFO’s details of the Final Proposed Master Plan for Blair Park.

Oct 29 2011

Numbers of Non-Resident Students in Piedmont Schools

The Piedmont School District has released statistics on existing inter-district students in anticipation of a November 1, 2011 review of its administrative regulations regarding inter-district transfers, including grandchildren of residents. > Click to read more…

Oct 29 2011

Highlights from the October 26, 2011 School Board Meeting

Report provided by the Piedmont Unified School District > Click to read more…

Oct 29 2011
Field of Dreams or Everybody’s Nightmare?

Oh Truthiness thy name is PRFO. Rolling out their new PR slogan “Blair Park is everybody’s park” along with a “rally” to celebrate the “final” plans for what will be a sports facility, NOT a park.  It is with much amusement that I read that the “rally” is not actually being held in “everybody’s” Blair Park, but in Piedmont Community Park. Is it just me, or is it odd how those who want to save the park hold rallies IN it, and those who wish to destroy it, celebrate elsewhere? > Click to read more…

Oct 29 2011

Enrolling Grandchildren of Piedmont Residents And CA State’s New “Open Enrollment” Policies 

The Piedmont Unified School District (PUSD) Board will hold a special meeting Tuesday, November 1 to discuss the District’s policies on student enrollment of grandchildren of Piedmont residents, as well as new state policies for “Open Enrollment” of other students who do not reside in Piedmont.  The meeting will begin at 7 pm in City Hall and end at 9 pm. > Click to read more…