Sep 5 2011

What’s Happening in September?


September 2011 Meeting Schedule of City Council and Commissions



City Council     Tuesday Sept. 6,  7:30 pm

    • discussion of date for parcel tax vote
    • PG&E site Townhouse Condominium Project EIR & vesting tentative map
    • presentation of Municipal Tax Review Committee recommendations

Park Commission  Wednesday Sept. 7,    5:30 pm
Planning Commission   Monday Sept. 12,  5:00 pm
City Council   Monday Sept. 19,  7:30 pm
Recreation Commission  Wednesday Sept. 21,  7:30 pm

All meetings are held in the Piedmont Council Chambers at 120 Vista Avenue, Piedmont, unless otherwise noted.  Agendas for meetings will be posted in Piedmont City Hall and the Piedmont Police Department at least 72 hours prior to each meeting.  Copies of all agendas may be requested from the office of the City Clerk, 120 Vista Avenue, Piedmont, by calling  510-420-3040, or going to

One Response to “What’s Happening in September?”

  1. Per the staff report, the issue before the Council on Sept. 6 is discussion, rather than selection, of the parcel tax ballot date. Should the Council wish to place the parcel tax on the Feb. 7 ballot, the Council must conduct the first reading on September 19th and the second reading on October 3rd in order to meet the deadline. It is my hope that the Council will seriously consider the Municipal Tax Review Committee’s unanimous recommendation to postpone the parcel tax vote until June so that needed reforms can be implemented.

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