Aug 4 2011

WANTED: Reporters and Writers on Civic and School Interests

Wanted:  Piedmont Reporters

Is there a City issue that interests you?  Do you feel more information needs to be available to other Piedmonters on a topic?  If you are willing to follow up on issues and write brief reports, the Piedmont Civic Association (PCA) wants to hear from you.

There is a great deal going on in our community, from school budget cuts . . . to City funds for the community swimming pool and sports fields; from proposed parcel tax and sewer tax increases . . . to the upcoming election of City Council and School Board members.

Have you been following a community issue?   Share your knowledge with others in our community and help PCA keep Piedmonters informed and involved in our City and Schools  by becoming a volunteer researcher or reporter.  It does not require a lot of time, and is actually fun and rewarding.  Send us an email at and we will fill you in on the details.

PCA Editorial Board

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