Jul 31 2011
At its August 1 meeting the City Council will consider appropriating $75,000 for improvements to the City-owned building at 801 Magnolia Avenue (the former Christian Science Church) for use by the Piedmont Center for the Arts. (See agenda.)
The Council will also consider an agreement to allow the Arts Center the use of approximately one-third of the Educational wing of the property with no additional rent beyond the $1 a year of the previous agreement approved May 2, 2011. A fire rated wall will be built across the width of the former Sunday School space, cutting off approximately the front one-third of the wing to act as the hallway to the bathrooms.
Jul 31 2011
The townhouse project for the defunct PG&E substation site located at 408 Linda Avenue is on the Planning Commission agenda Monday, August 8. Developers, Piedmont Station LLC, submitted their application to redevelop the PG&E substation site on March 28, 2008. The initial California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) study by LSA Associates determined that a focused Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is required. > Click to read more…
Jul 30 2011
A memorial for the children killed in the Norwegian massacre has sprung up outside a Piedmont residence at the corner of Highland and Blair. The homeowner raised a large Norwegian flag, which is flying at half-mast on a flagpole in her front yard. Another resident added a bouquet of fresh flowers, and more have been added since.
Jul 24 2011
The Final Draft Report of the City Council Audit Subcommittee on undergrounding has been released and posted online. Public comment has been invited prior to the next Subcommittee meeting which will be held on Tuesday, August 23rd. (See also Undergrounding Recommendations of the League of Women Voters, PCA Suggestions for Further Review of Undergrounding Issues, and other PCA undergrounding articles.)
> Click to read more…
Jul 24 2011
Following publication on this site of the Opinion: A New Educational Resource for Piedmont Kids?, Mary Kelly, former vice President and incoming President of the Piedmont Middle School Parents Club noted, “I am using my role as president, and the access to the administration it gives me, to focus on the issue of making sure that PUSD has a successful process for pulling in valuable new ideas.” As a beginning, she has communicated with the PUSD administration regarding a presentation on the Khan Academy. She is suggesting that PUSD professional educators take a look at the free Math, Physics, and History YouTube videos and computer-supported exercises, as part of the District’s efforts for continuous improvement.
The Khan Academy provides free instruction on a myriad of subjects to anyone with Internet access. Currently, a million students each month use the site and during the past year the Los Altos, California School District incorporated the Khan videos into the 5th and 7th grade curricula.
Jul 24 2011
At the Municipal Tax Review Committee (MTRC) meeting on Wednesday, July 20, the Committee considered the City’s sewer tax and voted unanimously (8-0) to recommend a 50% increase in this tax, effective July 2, 2014. In response to a question, Public Works Director Chester Nakahara said that no costs for relocating the residential sewer lines that run beneath Blair Park are included in the City’s sewer program. The City’s program covers only improvements necessary to bring existing sewer lines into compliance with federal mandates. > Click to read more…
Jul 23 2011
For those interested in running for School Board, forms will be available on October 17, 2011. Three seats will be available, with one incumbent termed out and one incumbent announcing she is “unlikely” to rerun
And more – read the full report from June Monach > Click to read more…
Jul 23 2011
The Chair of the Municipal Tax Review Committee announced that the committee voted on Wednesday, July 20, to hold its three remaining meetings in the Council Chambers. These meetings will be August 3, 17 and 31, all at 7:30 pm. This change will allow the meetings to be videotaped and archived. Residents can watch a live broadcast of the meetings on KCOM or view a video at their convenience on Piedmont’s KCOM website.
Committee members spent much of the July 20 meeting discussing the city’s sewer tax. They voted unanimously (8-0) to recommend the City Council propose a 50 percent increase in the sewer tax, effective July 1, 2014. If a ballot measure wins approval of a two-thirds majority of Piedmont voters, the tax for homeowners with parcels up to 5,000 square feet will nearly double from $471 per year to $706. The increase is necessary to complete rehabilitation of Piedmont’s sewers in compliance with federal environmental regulations. The tax would decrease in 20 years as the city repays state loans and the work is completed. Committee members noted that homeowners are also responsible for repairing sewer laterals when they sell their homes. > Click to read more…
Jul 19 2011
Isn’t it time for the City’s Municipal Tax Review Committee to come out of the basement and meet in a more public setting, such as the City Council chambers, where meetings can be broadcast to Piedmont residents via KCOM and videotaped for city archives.
This important, nine-member committee of Piedmont residents has been meeting bi-weekly or weekly on Wednesday evenings for the past several months in the Piedmont Police Dept.’s emergency operations room on Highland Avenue. The committee and City staff sit at tables arranged horse-shoe style around the room, while the audience must find seats in a few randomly placed office desk chairs in the back of the room. Last week’s meeting drew an “overflow” crowd of about a dozen Piedmonters, requiring four or late comers to either stand or sit on the floor, including the City Administrator. > Click to read more…