Jun 27 2011
Comments before the Piedmont School Board, June 22, 2011
I am a very long time Piedmont resident. On May 25, Mr. Gadbois asked Ms. Hubbard a critical question, inquiring if turf replacement can be charged as a direct cost to the private sports clubs. I note the Piedmont sports clubs are given priority access to the School District fields, and this is certainly a special benefit for them. > Click to read more…
Jun 24 2011
A group of Montclair residents are organizing and calling for the creation of a private library rather than lose their branch of the Oakland Public Library. It is not clear whether the City of Oakland would rent the library building to a private library association, or whether an alternative location would have to be found. > Click to read more…
Jun 24 2011
On the evening of Tuesday, June 21, several hundred Oakland library supporters gathered at Oakland City Hall. They filled every seat on the main floor of the chamber, both galleries, the grand staircase leading up to the chamber as well as the amphitheater in the plaza. They had come to oppose the proposed budget that would close most of the branch libraries and drastically reduce services in the four remaining libraries. (See library articles.) However, the Oakland City Council, once more, postponed consideration of the city’s FY 2011-12 budget, as it had on June 7.
The Oakland Council did, however, approve the second reading of the increase in the Measure Q parcel tax, the Library Services Retention and Enhancement Act of 2004. > Click to read more…
Jun 19 2011

On Wednesday, June 22nd, at 7:00 p.m. in City Hall, the Piedmont Unified School District (PUSD) administration will ask the Board of Education to approve a proposed 2010-11 budget with multi-year budget projections reflecting an $878,000 shortfall in FY 2013-14.
The budget includes a warning: “Criteria and standards that are “Not Met,” and supplemental information and additional fiscal indicators that are “Yes,” may indicate areas of potential concern for fiscal solvency purposes and should be carefully reviewed.” (At p. 5-7.) These areas of concern include:
- The District provides post–employment benefits (other than pensions) which are lifetime benefits and funded on a “pay-as-you-go” basis.
- Projected reserves do not meet minimum requirements
- There are ongoing general fund expenditures in excess of 1% funded with one time resources.
- The District has long-term (multi-year) commitments or debt.
The year 2011-12 budget is balanced, and there are sufficient reserves to meet obligations for 2012-13. The $878,000 shortfall occurs in 2013-14. > Click to read more…
Jun 17 2011
For the first time in a very long time a new public space is being created in Piedmont. Piedmont residents are invited to join the conversation about the best use of the unique, centrally located, public space in the east wing of 801 Magnolia, the former Christian Science Building. (Comment below.)
While the west wing of 801 Magnolia has been leased to the Piedmont Center for the Arts, another large space exists in the east wing of the property. The Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Committee recently recommended that public input be solicited on the use of this rare, new public space. Councilman Garret Keating wrote to PCA on June 8, raising the idea of a small library or reading room in the unleased east wing. Keating asked, “Is there a Friends of Piedmont Library out there that could take this on?” (Read full Keating comment.)
Residents recognize the lack of an attractive, comfortable public space in Piedmont. At the same time, several senior programs are concerned their use of the Veterans Hall space will be terminated. Creating “A Piedmont Place” in the east wing of 801 Magnolia could provide much needed small meeting space for local groups, offer a gathering place for residents, and accommodate varied interests of the Piedmont community.
The east wing space could open up the opportunity for residents to engage in literary forums, lectures, writing groups, book reviews and author readings, drop-in chess games, book groups, a book exchange, plus provide access to one or more online libraries. Daily newspapers and donated magazines for perusing, “new favorite books” recommendations, and more could be available. Residents could volunteer their talents, skills and time to provide some of the services that Piedmont, having no public library of its own, currently lacks. > Click to read more…
Jun 16 2011
The Piedmont City Council will hold a public hearing on the proposed fiscal year 2011-2012 budget and the levy of the Municipal Services Tax and Sewer Tax on Monday, June 20, 2011 at 7:30 pm in City Hall. Citizens are invited to attend to speak to the Council or observe. Letters should be addressed to City Council, 120 Vista Avenue, Piedmont, 94611 and e-mails should be sent to the City Clerk at jtulloch@ci.piedmont.ca.us.
See prior article on Budget Workshop for highlights of budget discussions.
Jun 16 2011
A Report from the Chair of the 2011 Municipal Tax Review Committee, Michael Rancer
At its June 8 meeting, the committee reviewed several alternative projections for city revenues and expenditures, looking out as far as the 2019-20 fiscal year.
The first goal was to reach agreement on the most likely revenue picture, with an emphasis on establishing reasonable expectations for growth in property tax income, since that is the city’s largest resource. After looking at growth rates over the past 30 years (driven mainly by reassessments at time of sale plus the Proposition 13 limit of 2% valuation growth annually), the committee adopted an expected growth rate of 4% per year on average through the end of the current decade. Though annual numbers will vary from this figure, they are expected to average about 4% over time. This is a somewhat conservative estimate, but consistent with the less favorable trends of the last 5 years. > Click to read more…
Jun 16 2011

- Lease-Lease Back Agreement approved for Beach Elementary School
- New appointments to Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, PHS Principal, PHS Assistant Principal, and PMS Assistant Principal
- PowerPoint Presentation on Teacher Evaluation Process Recommendations
And more – read the full report from June Monach > Click to read more…