May 16 2011

Meetings on May 16, 18, & 21 – All About City $$$$

Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Committee- May 16: The CIP Review Committee will hold a tour of the 801 Magnolia “education wing” on Monday, May 16 at 6:30 p.m.  (Meet in front of City Hall.)  At 7 pm, following the brief tour, the Committee will meet in the Emergency Operation Center (EOC) in the Police Department to review the draft priority funding list and funding recommendations to City Council. (No telecast or video)

Pool Fees – Wednesday, May 18:  The Recreation Commission will hold a public hearing on the revised pool fee schedule which projects a 50% taxpayer subsidy of pool operations at City Hall on Wednesday, May 18 at 7:30 p.m.  The public is invited to attend or send comments to the City Council, 120 Vista Avenue, Piedmont, 94611 or send an e-mail to the City Clerk at

City Budget Workshop – Saturday, May 21: Piedmont’s proposed FY 2011-2012 budget will be discussed in detail at a City Council work session in the Police Department conference room on Saturday, May 21, 2011 beginning at 9:00 a.m.  (No telecast or video) On June (6 & 20) preceding Budget consideration, the City Council will hold public hearings in City Hall on expenditures and estimated revenues for the FY 2011-12 Budget with final approval scheduled on June 20.

Following are highlights of anticipated issues which may be raised at these meetings:

Capital Improvement Projects – May 16: Capital Improvement Projects Review Committee

  • Best use of the “education  wing” of 801 Magnolia (portion not leased to Piedmont Center to the Arts) (considering a staff proposed use as a childcare facility rather than other uses such as Senior Center or Reading Room)
  • Recommendations for  capital improvement projects allocations
  • $600,000 for pool facility improvements (deferred)

Pool Fees – Wednesday, May 18: Recreation Commission

  • Proposed $380,000 taxpayer subsidy of pool (50% of total pool operation costs).
  • Proposed user fees which cover 50% of operating costs, rather than 100% as with other fee based Recreational programs
  • Proposed daily user fees for residents and non-residents up to age 18 are the same.

FY 2011-2012 City Budget – Saturday, May 21: City Council

  • No video of city/school meetings taped or posted on City website, when meetings are not held in City Hall (KCOM budget)
  • $380,000 proposed taxpayer subsidy of pool ($757,000 cost minus $375,000 user fee revenue) (p. 21.)
  • Proposed payment of $350,471 to City of Oakland for Library Services  (last page) (See prior library articles.) Service access and alternative options have not been provided to Council by staff. (At p. 7.)
  • Zero contribution to the CIP fund for FY 2011-12 (p. 10.)
  • $50,000 for parks, play areas, tennis courts, and sports field turf, compared to $275,000 for City Hall and Veterans Hall upgrades
  • Increase of $154,000 (25%) in insurance premium costs (from $605,00 to $760,000) (last page)
  • $230,000 of Fire Department overtime and related issue of 6-person staffing level (p. 6)
  • $500,000 in unspecified contract services (Admin budget, p. 13.)
  • $90,000 payment to PUSD for City Employee children who attend Piedmont Schools – costs are not allocated to specific department budgets (p. 15)

FY 2011-2012 City Budget Hearings, June 6 & 20: City Council

  • Consideration of input from committees, commissions, and public
  • Review further information from staff on items requested by Council at Workshop
  • Modifications to line items prior to scheduled approval on June 20

To view the full Budget Proposal including revenues and expenses,  go to Proposed Budget


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