Apr 11 2011

The Piedmont and Albany City Councils have approved a one-year trial agreement to share a Fire Chief position. Each city will bear 50% of the cost, $133,376 per year for Piedmont’s current Fire Chief Edward Tubbs. The agreement was inspired by the similar relationship between San Bruno and Millbrae.  > Click to read more…

Apr 9 2011

The Manhattan Piano Trio will perform in Piedmont at a benefit for CHIME (Citizens Highly Interested in Music Education) on Monday, April 18, 7:30pm, Alan L. Harvey Theatre. Violinist Wayne Lee graduated from Piedmont High School 10 years ago.

Tickets available at the door or at 510-595-4015.

For more information see poster:   Manhattan Piano Trio 2011 Flyer

Apr 8 2011

A 2003 map of the State of California Seismic Hazard Zones covering  East Oakland, which includes Piedmont, shows areas prone to liquefaction or landslides. As shown on the map below, parts of Blair Park  are specifically indicated  in blue as a potential landslide area.

> Click to read more…

Apr 8 2011

Memorandum from Constance Hubbard, Superintendent of the Piedmont Unified School District

Per the information received at the Alameda County Superintendents’ Council yesterday (April 6, 2011), I wanted to alert all to the predictions for the May Revise pending. I am receiving several requests to either not reduce program or buy back programs that have been reduced recently. I want to be clear that my recommendation is to stay the course as planned.

The “May Revise” is predicted to reflect twice the reduction for which we planned or:  $2.1 Million in on-going reductions starting in 2011-12

The issue remains the number of unknowns at this point. We are concerned, but not panicked. > Click to read more…

Apr 5 2011

The Chronicle Editorial of March 30, 2011 ignores a number of inconvenient truths when discussing Piedmont payments for Oakland Library services:

1.         Piedmont payments do not benefit the Oakland libraries because Oakland funnels the money into its General Fund.

No Piedmont payments to the City of Oakland go into the Oakland Library budget according to the Oakland Associate Library Director Gerry Garzon.  The Library budget will not increase if a payment is made; the Library budget will not decrease if a payment is not made.  Piedmont dollars are unable to impact on the Oakland library budget.  (Oakland Library Budget Details) > Click to read more…

Apr 5 2011

A letter submitted by a Piedmont resident asks for a detailed analysis of costs, as well as parking/traffic:

I’m very disappointed that City Council’s resolution on March 21st did not specifically ask that a detailed cost analysis be provided immediately for the Blair Park project along with a condition that all funds must be ‘banked’ before  any demolition/construction begins in Blair Park.  I am also concerned that the direction given for further traffic study > Click to read more…

Apr 5 2011

The Piedmont Civic Association (PCA) website has rapidly grown its readership, reflecting the interest residents have in comprehensive facts and opinions on civic topics.

PCA’s purpose is to maintain and enhance Piedmont as a desirable community through the informed participation of its citizens.  In past years, PCA communicated regularly through a printed newsletter mailed citywide or to subscribers.  In the internet age, PCA‘s website has replaced the printed newsletter.

PCA is a nonprofit, volunteer organization which does not accept commercial advertisements.  Thoughtful points of view and commentary are welcomed and encouraged in an effort to provide a shared knowledge-base on the many issues facing our town.

If you know of residents who have not already added their name to our email update list, suggest their participation at www.piedmontcivic.org .  Becoming a subscriber is free and provides readers with email notification of new articles on the PCA website.   Subscriber Email addresses are held in strict confidence and will not be distributed or published.

Apr 5 2011

The City of Piedmont has responded on  to a request under the Freedom of Information Act by providing a copy of its contract with pool consultant Jeff Eorio. > Click to read more…