Jan 22 2011

Families all around Piedmont are sorting out summer plans as camp brochures land in mailboxes. For parents who face a confusing array of summertime options for their kids, the K–12 Summer Enrichment Program organized by the Associated Parents Clubs of Piedmont (APCP) offers a high-quality, low-stress alternative. > Click to read more…

Jan 22 2011

This year’s Giving Campaign wraps up Friday, 1/21 , but you can show your support of our children’s education by donating.  As of year end 2010, the Piedmont community has raised $1,533,000 for our kids, with 62% of families with school age children contributing to the Giving Campaign.  100% of PUSD students will benefit from The Giving Campaign, with monies raised going toward preserving essential academic programs and keeping Piedmont schools strong.

It is never too late to contribute to the Piedmont Schools! Make your donation today at www.PiedmontGivingCampaign.com or call the Fundraising Office at (510) 653-1816.

Jan 18 2011

Editor’s Note: Controversy has arisen regarding Councilman Wieler’s article, “Piedmont’s Taliban”, published on January 12 by the Piedmont Post.  Residents have objected to the intemperate labels applied by the Council Member (“nihilists”, “bomb throwing”) and the Piedmont Post (“Taliban”) to those who may express opposition to parcel tax measures.  The unfortunate comparisons were made as the Council Member attempted to outline his perspective on democracy in Piedmont, asserting that exercising one’s right to vote against a council member is appropriate, while exercising one’s right to vote against a parcel tax is inappropriate.  Excerpts from the article, responsive letters, as well as a written copy of the original public comment which prompted the “Piedmont’s Taliban” article (obtained exclusively by PCA), have been published together to provide full perspective.

Councilman Wieler’s article in the Piedmont Post could not be reprinted in full here, because Councilman Wieler stated that the article was copyrighted by the Post.  However, excerpts illustrating some of the controversial comparisons are provided here.

Excerpts from Councilman Jeff Wieler’s Article titled “Piedmont Taliban”:

“Piedmont has its own band of ragged nihilists hiding in the hills.  A leading opponent of the proposal to build sports fields on city land in Blair Park has started the bomb-throwing, beginning with the threat to oppose the next Piedmont School District Parcel Tax.”  . . .

“So why are these people trying to put a gun to the heads of the School Board and the City Council?” . . .

“In a democracy, we get our own way by persuading others, not by throwing bombs.  Timothy McVeigh was less persuasive when he blew up the federal building and a day care center in Oklahoma City.  People have strong opinions on abortion, but blowing up abortion clinics is not how we debate the abortion issue in a civilized society.  . . . Civilized countries have political processes.”


Ralph Catalano’s original public comments before the Piedmont Board of Education at its meeting on December 8, 2010.

Piedmont homeowners are among the most highly taxed in the State.  I was, therefore, reassured by Mr. Raushenbush’s concise estimate of the costs the District would incur over the next decade to preserve recreational facilities as well as by his plan to pay those costs.  It was a report and plan that a taxpayer could understand.  I was, however, subsequently disappointed to learn that the plan was put at risk by a proposal to involve the city.

The city has not, to my knowledge, released a “Raushenbush Report” accounting the costs we incur by virtue of aggressive expansion of city recreation facilities. (sic) We should all recall that in 1987 Piedmont voters overwhelmingly rejected a plan to finance the expansion of recreational facilities at Beach School, Dracena Park, Hampton Field, Havens School, Moraga Canyon, and Witter Field.  Despite this rejection, the City went on to upgrade or build recreational facilities at each of its sites.  We all know that the City funded construction largely from the parcel tax.  We do not, however, know how much we pay for maintaining those facilities or how much we put aside, if anything, for capital replacement.  The city’s budget makes it impossible for the average homeowner to discover these costs.

We will soon be asked to extend the city’s parcel tax.  Piedmont voters have a right to know how much of its yield would go to maintain existing and proposed recreational facilities.  I, and others, have asked the city for an accounting like Mr. Raushenbush’s to inform our votes but have gotten no response.

I believe that the City’s incompetent handling of the undergrounding fiasco and related litigation, as well as Council indifference if not hostility toward Moraga Canyon residents and Swim Club members have put the city’s parcel tax in jeopardy.  I plead with you to avoid putting the (School) District’s parcel tax in similar jeopardy.  Please implement the original Raushenbush recommendations. Please do not partner with this City Council.  At the very least, insist that the city produce its own “Raushenbush Report” before you consider such a partnership.

Ralph Catalano
Piedmont resident


Letters in Response to Councilman Wieler’s Article:


To the Editors:

The recent horrible event in Tucson reminds us of how fragile and precious life is, of how a single madman can cause so much suffering. Some have suggested Sarah Palin’s venomous rhetoric is in some way responsible for the acts of this deranged soul. Evidently such criticism struck a nerve with her as she went on the offensive by labeling her critics guilty of “blood libel.” Perhaps the best defense is a good offense.

Councilman Wieler’s Piedmont Post column likening Blair Park opponents to bomb throwing Taliban terrorists is strikingly similiar in tone to Sarah Palin’s offensive and unfortunate remarks. As the darling of the Tea Party Ms. Palin’s agenda is quite evident. As the darling of the Piedmont Recreational Facilities Organization Mr. Wieler’s agenda is equally clear. Mr. Wieler is correct, he defeated opponents apposed to Blair Park development. His candidacy was based on assuring the Blair Park proponents of his vote. Regardless of what has been said or expressed before Council he has not disappointed. I expect he will continue to repay in kind.

With the Blair Park proposal already costing taxpayers significant dollars and millions of public funds recently being wasted, City Hall will have to act more responsibly. In our democracy taxpayers have the right to stop the flow of money from their wallets into the public trough. Mr. Wieler evidently believes anyone exercising these rights and expressing their opinion is a terrorist. He will probably include the 1,364 Piedmonters who voted against Measure E when he reports the terrorist filled enclaves of Moraga Canyon to Homeland Security.

The burden now shifts to Mayor Barbieri who must ask Mr. Wieler to recuse himself from any matter concerning Blair Park. Although not legally binding, such a request will restore a fair process which currently does not exist.

Rick Schiller
Piedmont resident

To the Editor:

Particularly after the horrific events in Tucson, I thought Councilman Jeff Wieler’s column in the Piedmont Post this week, which compared Blair Park sports complex opponents to bomb-throwing Taliban members and said they were putting “a gun to the heads of the School Board and City Council” by threatening to advocate against renewal of the parcel taxes, went well beyond bad taste.

It’s bad enough that the Piedmont Post allows a City Council member to have a quarter page each week while refusing to publish many opposing views, but for its editor, Gray Cathrall, to condone this kind of violent rhetoric by an elected official is, to me, truly disgusting.

I’m encouraging people to write the local papers and City Council about this.

Tim Rood
Piedmont resident


A Letter from Morrisa Sherman published by the Piedmont Patch


A Letter from Jim Semitekol, Piedmont Resident published by the Piedmont Patch ________________________________________________________________________

The Response of Ralph Catalano to Council Member Wieler’s Article

Councilman Wieler recently claimed in his Piedmont Post column that my neighbors and I had put the extension of the city’s parcel tax in jeopardy by disagreeing with the City Council.  My response to Councilperson Wieler is as follows.

The City Council majority, not my neighbors or I, spent $2.2 million to underground utilities in Piedmont’s most exclusive neighborhood despite city policy that the benefiting homeowners must pay undergrounding costs.

The City Council majority, not my neighbors or I, refused an independent audit of staff and Council behavior leading to the $2.2 million subsidy.

The City Council majority, not my neighbors or I, would have authorized another risky undergrounding scheme had not private citizens successfully sued to stop the folly.

The City Council majority, not my neighbors or I, publicly vilified those citizens and spent $400,000 in a failed attempt to defeat them in court.

The City Council majority, not my neighbors or I, has nearly destroyed the Piedmont Swim Club through capricious and arbitrary changes of policy during negotiations with the Club.

The City Council majority, not my neighbors or I, spent $1.6 million to build a soccer field at Havens School while failing to enforce use restrictions at the Beach and Witter soccer fields.

The City Council majority, not my neighbors or I, has spent at least $160,000 to subsidize the planning of a private sports complex on public land in Moraga Canyon.

And now, Councilperson Wieler has used his privileged access to local media to call my neighbors and me “bomb throwers,” and “Taliban,” and to liken us to the murderous traitor Timothy McVeigh because we dissent from the above decisions.  He argues we deserve this intimidating vitriol because our dissent puts the passage of the City’s parcel tax in jeopardy.

I respectfully suggest that Piedmont voters will decide their position on the City’s parcel tax based on the behavior of the City Council.  If that ballot measure is in jeopardy, the Council, not my neighbors or I, have put it there.

Ralph Catalano
Piedmont Resident

(All letters express the personal opinions of the authors. All statements made are the opinion of the specific writer and not necessarily those of the Piedmont Civic Association.)

Jan 18 2011

The Citizens’ Oversight Committee for Piedmont school construction projects will be receiving an update on expenditures to date and the availability of $10 million in state matching funds needed to complete the School District’s $56 million Seismic Safety Bond Program.  To date, matching State funds of $10 million which the District anticipated using to complete the final portion of the District’s seismic work – retrofitting at Beach School – have been delayed due to the State’s own budget issues.  Despite the unavailability of these matching State funds, and despite reduced Piedmont property values limiting PUSD’s ability to issue its own bonds, the district forged ahead with its seismic program in 2010 by obtaining $10 million in bridge financing from the County of Alameda.  However, further delays in the release of matching State funds may postpone the District’s ability to initiate Beach construction or increase borrowing costs.  Read details. The meeting will take place at 4 p.m. on Thursday, January 20 in the District Office Conference Room located at 760 Magnolia Avenue, Piedmont.  Current Committee Members

Jan 18 2011

An article, “Piedmont residents perplexed about undergrounding” written by Linda Davis  in the Piedmonter discusses delays in removing telephone poles from the Piedmont Hills Undergrounding Utility District.

Jan 15 2011

The Piedmont Avenue Neighborhood Improvement League (PANIL) hosted a library update meeting on Wednesday, January 12.  Oakland Public Library Associate Director Gerry Garzon’s presentation began with a review of the history of the search for relocation alternatives because of the rent increase under the new ownership.  Library staff  found > Click to read more…

Jan 13 2011

School Board News!  Highlights from the January 12, 2011 Meeting
by June Monach, Board Member

Happy New Year! After a well-deserved Winter recess, Piedmont students and staff resumed their studies and work in the schools. The main agenda topics for the Board meeting included:

  • Contract Negotiations with the Classified Staff
  • 2011-12 Instructional Calendar
  • Annual Financial Audit Report for Fiscal Year 2009-10
  • Budget Development Calendar for Fiscal Year 2011-12
  • Budget Update & Governor’s Proposal > Click to read more…
Jan 13 2011

School Board News!  Highlights from the December 8, 2010 Meeting by June Monach, Board Member

  • The Budget
  • Pilot to Expand Sunday Use of Witter Approved
  • Board Clarifies Scope of Parcel Tax Citizens Advisory Committee > Click to read more…
Jan 11 2011

Response from Piedmont Swim Club Board of Directors:

Dear Piedmonter,

Josh Bernstein’s email was forwarded to a member of the Swim Club board by one of its recipients. We’re concerned about the misinformation Josh is sending to the families with kids in PUSD and Piedmont Swim Team programs and would like to set the facts straight.

The families who pay dues to the swim club are the ones who provide all the funding for the pool, except for the $15,000 the Swim Team started paying a few years ago, which covers about 2.5% of the expense of running the pool. Swim Club families receive no taxpayer funds, but we do subsidize the PUSD and PST to the tune of over $100,000 a year, by providing free use to PUSD and very low cost use to PST at below-market rates – much less than they would pay to use any other pool. The city will charge them for that use. > Click to read more…

Jan 9 2011

On Wednesday, January 19th, the Piedmont Recreation Commission will hold a public hearing on the Moraga Canyon Sports Fields Project at 7:30 PM in the Piedmont City Council Chambers, City Hall, 120 Vista Avenue.

The Piedmont City Council certified the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR), on Dec. 6, 2010.  At their meeting on January 19th,  the Piedmont Recreation Commission will consider the following: > Click to read more…