Jan 27 2011

Piedmont Civic Association Co-Sponsors Forum on School Funding with LWV and Ed Foundation

State Senator Loni Hancock (District 9), Tony Smith, Superintendent of the Oakland Unified School District, and Ray Gadbois, board member of Piedmont Unified School District, will participate in a panel discussion on California public school financing on Wednesday, February 16, 2011, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Piedmont Community Hall, 711 Highland Ave., Piedmont.

The program is sponsored by the Piedmont League of Women Voters, the Piedmont Educational Foundation, and the Piedmont Civic Association.

Senator Hancock will provide the State perspective on financing public education, and Superintendent Smith and Trustee Gadbois will offer their viewpoints of school district budgets and how resources are being deployed in their respective districts.

The program, “Making Resources Count: School Funding 101,” is intended to inform citizens on budget challenges facing school districts throughout California and how two neighboring school districts are working to allocate human and financial resources to address the needs of all students enrolled in their school systems.

Following the panel discussion, moderated by Piedmont League member Jan Zovikian, audience members will have a chance to submit written questions to the panelists.  A written survey will also be distributed to obtain further information on audience concerns, questions, and knowledge regarding school finance.

The program is free and open to the public.

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