Dec 4 2010

A letter from a Piedmont resident on Blair Park on public access to future Blair Park facilities:

Last week’s Piedmonter article on the 11/17 Piedmont Recreation Commission (Rec. Comm.) meeting reported what many residents around Linda Beach, Witter Field and Dracena Park have experienced for a long time. Unscheduled use by out of town groups is a major, known and ongoing problem in Piedmont. The pick-up soccer games by adult males are so aggressive that families are afraid to come near the facilities when these games are in progress. > Click to read more…

Dec 3 2010

Forty new pages of letters to the City Council on the Moraga Canyon Sports Field Draft EIR are now posted on the City’s website.  The letters vary from very detailed reasons why the EIR should or should not be certified to form letters with childrens’ names asking the Council to certify the EIR. The final EIR hearing will be held on December 6th at 7:30 p.m. in the Veteran’s Memorial Building at 401 Highland Avenue, Piedmont.

Dec 3 2010

Oakland Public Library Director Carmen Martinez was the featured speaker at the League of Women Voters’ Holiday Lunch Program on Wednesday, December 1.  Martinez was charmingly modest about her appointment by former Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown in 2000, claiming she was > Click to read more…