Piedmont Letters on Moraga Canyon EIR sent to Council
Piedmonters emailed letters to the City Council in advance of the Monday, November 15, 2010 public hearing to consider the “Response to Comments” on the Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Moraga Avenue proposals. Therese Franklin and Robert Blagden objected to
the destruction of the natural habitat for plants and wildlife, increasing the traffic congestion on Moraga Avenue and the potential for unanticipated future costs. Rebecca Sternberg also expressed concern with the project’s impact on the environment, land stability, traffic, noise and wildlife.
Neil Teixeira objected to the improper approval process to make a gift of public property for private use. He advocated an independent appraisal of the value of the 5-acre parcel. Rebecca Sternberg expressed concern with the project’s impact on the environment, land stability, traffic, noise and wildlife. Rick Schiller objected to gifting the use of the 5-acre parcel to private sports clubs, noting that currently Coach’s Field, Haven’s field, Hampton Field and Linda Beach are dominated by sports clubs, rather than available for usage by the general public. He also questioned the objectivity of the EIR and noted it as an advocacy document for the proponents of the development by failing to provide mitigation of safety issues.
Gary Bernstein worried about the future public expense of maintaining the fields. Karen Cutler urged the Piedmont Soccer Club to work with its fellow members in the Jack London Soccer League to identify an ideal site in Oakland or Alameda to build their new sports complex, thus avoiding the traffic, safety and environmental hazards at the proposed Piedmont location. Tom and Kay Logan’s numerous objections included the loss of the natural gateway, the inconsistency with the Land Use element of the General Plan and the likelihood of dangerous U turns when departing from the complex. Lynn Dee objected to the LSA Response to Comments about the noise and the fact that the project will not be for all residents. Christy VanSlyke objected to the fiscal aspects of the project and noted grave concerns regarding the slope cuts so close to the Hayward Fault and resulting litigation costs for the City.
Len Gilbert strongly supported the project, stating that restrictions would limit weekend use to the larger field. He also opposed any artificial turf for Coaches Field. John Holmgren supported the project, feeling that the increased traffic and higher ambient noise levels that would occur on weekends and possibly some afternoons are a small price to pay for the ability of Piedmont youth to practice and play soccer close to home.